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Group Litigation Orders (GLO’s)

GLO’s often known as class actions or group actions and are commonly used when there is a loss affecting many victims who have a common interest.

Once a group has been formed, its members, who have suffered similar types of loss by reason of similar wrongs inflicted upon them will be able, through their solicitors, to share information, resources and data – and the risks, the rewards and the cost of the proceedings – amongst themselves. Each group will need to achieve critical mass but once that has been achieved, the claims can be started in the courts and the group will enjoy economies of scale. Plainly, many claimants proceeding together against a powerful defendant, or defendants, will have more clout then an individual claimant. To mix our metaphors: by clubbing together, the claimants can increase their clout and level the playing field – or the battleground – in a way that was impossible before the introduction of the GLO’s.