C4J Update: 23/06/2022

Contractors for Justice

Thursday, June 23rd, 2022

As you will be aware, litigation is as much an art as it is a science, and its progress is often influenced by ‘noises off’ or events which occur out of the view of the mainstream. Nevertheless we have been working assiduously over the last few months and shall shortly be issuing ‘Letters Before Action’ to various potential Respondents. This is an opportunity to reveal to them the extent of the evidence we have against them, and to invite discussions leading to settlement, thereby avoiding the costs and publicity attendant upon litigation. Obviously, to reach this point, there must be the collation of sufficient evidence in order to present a credible threat which, if not acted upon, will result in the Issue of Proceedings. As soon as letters have gone, we shall keep you informed on progress. Until then, watch this space!

Contractors for Justice